Making GIFs in Microsoft PowerPoint

A quick little post about something I did for the #teachingwithsurface competition NZ was running – a ridiculous simple was to use Microsoft PowerPoint to make customisable GIFS for revision or for using in presentations to get key ideas across quickly. For some key ideas, a GIF is a really efficient way to get theContinue reading “Making GIFs in Microsoft PowerPoint”

Using Microsoft Office Mix

It is nearing NCEA exam time in my world. And so I have been busy making exam question walk through using Microsoft Office Mix and the snip tool on my surface pro 4. Office Mix is a super handy add in for powerpoint that lets you make video tutorials with ease. The surface stylus just makes writingContinue reading “Using Microsoft Office Mix”

Getting started with Microsoft Classroom

When I first heard that Microsoft was bringing a ‘classroom’ option to the Office 365 suite of educational software, I was a mixture of excited to see what it looked like and worried it would be just another add on. I had also had a play with the teacher dashboard which was nice but aContinue reading “Getting started with Microsoft Classroom”

Inking with Office 2016 is a little bit AWESOME

I was ‘FINALLY’ able to get Office 2016 onto my surface last week as it has become available on our school tenant. Microsoft has gone all out to improve the inking and collaborative features in all off the software packages. I am currently obsessed with the inking function – in Outlook especially. I have alwaysContinue reading “Inking with Office 2016 is a little bit AWESOME”

Changing embed sizes for #OfficeMix and learning about the #Sharepoint store

At the end of last year, I blogged about the progress we are making with SharePoint as our LMS but also how I was having some sizing issues with the office mix clips I was trying to embed into the Chemistry SharePoint site. Some other NZ MIEE’s (love your work Nikkie and Ruby) got in touchContinue reading “Changing embed sizes for #OfficeMix and learning about the #Sharepoint store”

Putting Office Mix into practice

I blogged about some of the awesome features I learned about with Office Mix here. I have made some mixes before, but they have mostly just utilised the inking feature and screen recordings to demonstrate how to complete exams questions – or one was a slap dash job for #educampdunners that I really wanted to getContinue reading “Putting Office Mix into practice”

Take home messages from E2

I’ve already done a post which was the basic run through of my week, so this post is more about the thoughts and ideas I have bought back – and how I hope they will impact on my teaching and learning programs, as well as how I can share them with other educators. The biggestContinue reading “Take home messages from E2”

Exploring Office Mix – some awesome features

During my trip to Seattle for the Microsoft Global Educators Exchange, I got the opportunity to explore some of the features of Office Mix. Part of this was filming a Quick Tip video on how to embed PHeT animations into an Office Mix presentation, and then I attended a flipped classroom session where more MicrosoftContinue reading “Exploring Office Mix – some awesome features”

Moving on up with OneNote

Last year I meet with some members of my department and the social sciences department about using OneNote for their classes. I had been playing around with Microsoft OneNote for my junior classes and had found it user friendly, versatile and really useful for getting different types of information across. You can easily embed wordContinue reading “Moving on up with OneNote”